NSCC Shelley Studies
Thee National Shelley China Club (NSCC) is pleased to make available a series of studies to enchance the knowledge and enjoyment of Shelley collectors world wide.
As more become available, they will be added to this page.
Queen Victoria Commeratives
This study was prepared by Dick Gapen for our first virtual conference in 2020. It represents the most current knowledge on this bit of English history as presented by Shelley. (Click on the image below to view the study)
Shelley Elegants or The Nantgarw Style
The stunning beauty of many Shelley patterns has delighted both collectors and users alike for generations. Whilst taking the viewer on a mind boggling tour of some of Shelley's finest and most ornate work, this study explores early links to a small but distinguished and now forgotten pottery in Wales. It was prepared for the 2020 virtual conference by Carolyn Keating. (Click on the image below to view the study.)