
Shelley Gatherings

There's no better way to appreciate Shelley than to share your passion with like-minded and convivial friends. The Club promotes a variety of activities devoted to this end. Typically, this goal is accomplished through National Conferences and local Regional Meetings. However, many members also engage in less formal activities such as tea (and even coffee) parties and the like.

This section chronicles such activities, both past and future. If you have or know of a club-related event which would be of interest to your fellow club members, please use the Contact link to let us know.

For those who may need some help in holding a regional, we have a handy guide, How to Hold a Shelley Regional Meeting, which was initially presented at the 2012 Conference.

Please note that these pages are for publication of NSCC-related events only.  The NSCC website cannot publicize events such as antique shows, estate sales, auctions, or similar events. Classified ads may be placed in the NSCC magazine by contacting the editor at [email protected].

NSCC-Update: An Email List for News & Events

In order to keep members apprised of news and events, the Club has implemented an email notification feature which will broadcast information on upcoming events, website updates, and other club-related matters of general interest. Please note that subscriptions to this list and message content are moderated and require an affirmative opt-in response to subscribe. Most importantly, subscriptions are limited to current NSCC club members in good standing whose email addresses are registered with NSCC.   (If you need to register your email address or aren't sure whether your address is registered, please send your full name, club magazine mailing address, and email address to [email protected].)

In accordance with NSCC policy, email addresses are used only for club business. Please note that this feature (to include any subscription) may be terminated in whole or in part if deemed appropriate by NSCC. 

If you would like to subscribe/unsubscribe to this NSCC-Update list, please complete the form below and submit your subscription request by clicking on the "Send in the request" button. You will receive an email response asking you to confirm your request. Just click reply in your email program and send, you don't have to enter anything or do anything else.



convivial friends